Monday, July 13, 2009

Summertime in the Backyard

violet's new "thcooter"

yummy baby

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Baby, Zoo, 4th & Birthday!

This baby. This baby is something else. Where do I begin? She is such a miracle. The best thing about sweet baby Lucille is her disposition. Happy doesn't do it justice. Always smiling, always happy. She makes it pretty difficult to have a bad day or to get frustrated at anything. My favorite thing about her is the way she affects people. EVERYONE who meets Lucille thinks that they have some special connection with her because she loves interacting with people, and smiles, laughs and flirts with anyone. She is just awesome.

All three of the monkeys on the morning of Violet's 3rd birthday!

We took the girls to the Knoxville zoo for Violet's birthday. The Peytons came along. We all had such a great time.

Lucille is almost sitting up on her own at just 5 months! She has been hitting all of her milestones like such a trooper. Thank goodness.

She was absolutely in awe of the Fireworks. I've never seen her stay so still for so long. She loves the USA.

Eleanor is practically as big as Casey! She worked hard at the town's 4th celebration. This year was the first year she was allowed to help. She did arts and crafts with the littler kids and gave them tattoos... so grown up.

Today was Violet's Birthday Party! Such a good time with great friends and the rain held off! Happy Birthday, Violet! It's so hard to believe she's three! (She was embarassed when we sang to her, then afraid to blow out her candles. Eleanor had to help.)

Eating Solids! Well, actually just moving it around her mouth and then spitting it back out.

I just love this shot.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Broken Camera

Do you know what happens when you let your 2 year old play with your camera? Yeah, so that's why I haven't posted any pics in a while. Anyhow, we should get a new one soon. I can't stand the fact that we've missed a few weeks of documenting their little lives.

Lucille is doing great. She is almost 4 months old. Each new milestone she reaches is another victory. She laughs all the time, can roll over both ways already, reaches and grabs for toys and people, and has discovered her feet and how fun it is to hold onto them. All of these seemingly minor developments are huge signs of a big fat healthy brain, so naturally we are thrilled. She is a super mellow and easy baby, somehow we've been lucky enough to get three of those.

Violet is growing so fast, it's hard to believe she'll be 3 next month. I love this age where everything out of their mouths is somehow funny. She told me the other day that she was our "middlest" kid. I thought that was great... I met someone who refered to their middle child as their "center" child. I like it. I will try to use it, and hope that it doesn't go to her head.

Eleanor is playing softball and tennis. This is her third year playing Softball and she is doing so much better than last year. She can hit and field really well, it's so much fun to watch. I'm struggling a bit with the culture that surrounds softball however. She is finishing up 1st grade... wow.

I'm back at work with just a few short weeks left before summer break. I'm anxious to be back home again with my girls, but trying to remind myself not to wish the time away...

Hopefully I post photos soon... hope you are all well!

Friday, April 3, 2009

more photos... and Lucille's first laughs

Check out the water coming down...
Violet's first haircut...

Small, Medium and Large...

Naked baby...

Sisterly love...

Happy Baby...

Violet and Lucille in the bath together...

Violet at the nature center...

DISCLAIMER: I apologize for the audio... I do realize how cheesy I am, but anything to make her laugh. I wouldn't normally put something like this out there for all to hear, but I'm so proud of each milestone this little monkey reaches that i'm setting the embarrassment aside...

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Winter Wrap-Up

Well, I've been hearing it from a lot of people that I need to update the blog. Yes, I do. Things are going really well at home.
Lucille is two months old already! We took her to the developmental specialist two weeks ago and they said she looks great! She is holding her head up really well and smiling up a storm. Yesterday she discovered her little hands and has been sucking on them ever since. The only small concern they had was that Lucille still has her tiny little thumbs tucked inside of her fists. We are hoping that sucking her hands will help this, but if not we'll take her back in next week and they will make her little splints to wear on her hands and pull her thumbs out. No big deal, but we'll see.
She had her 2 month check up with the pediatrician on St. Patrick's Day and all went well. A small case of eczema which is typical for my babies, a little cream and it's already cleared up! She did fine with her shots, but slept solid for 2 days afterward. She really is a typical 2 month old, I often forget about those crazy weeks in the NICU. Seems like ages ago.
Eleanor and Violet are adjusting well to having another sister.
Violet is completely potty trained now, which is really nice. I always said I would never have two kids in diapers at the same time, I was wrong but atleast only for a month or so. She is rapidly entering the terrible threes, and I'm sure that having a newborn in the house is only adding to the drama. Wish me luck, I think I may be in for it with that one.
Eleanor continues to kick butt in school. She just finished up soccer season, which was pretty comical. She wasn't very into the soccer part of it, but loved hanging out with her friends Naomi and Emma on the team! She has started softball now and is excited to play this year.
I have been loving being on Maternity leave and I have a little over 2 weeks left. Luckily Casey will take off my first week back and stay home with Lucille and Violet, then the week after that is Spring Break so I'll be home again. After that Lucille will go to Creative Village, a daycare in our neighborhood, and Violet will spend the days with Jamie, George and Holden. Although I am sad to leave the little one, there will only be less than 2 months before summer break when I will be back home for a few months. Besides, there is a small part of me that is ready for work again, we'll see how long I'm saying that after I go back!
Well, here are some recent photos of the girls. We are so excited that today is officially the last day of Winter and tomorrow is SPRING!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Doing great...

Girls in the snow...
Eleanor & Lucille

So stinking sweet...

Coming home from the NICU...

What a big sister!

Everyone is doing well around here. Eleanor turned 7 on Monday! Violet is such a big help during the day with the baby. Lucille is growing like a weed and eating all day long. She is almost 4 weeks old already!

Here are some new photos...

Sunday, February 1, 2009